Emiting Fluids from Particles

emitting fluids from particles from the the mel script

just make this three things (fluid container,particle emitor )

float $pointinfo[] ; int $voxinfo[] ;
$cout = `particle -q -ct particle1`;
$pointinfo=`pointPosition -w ("particle1.pt["+$i+"]")`;
$voxinfo = `fluidVoxelInfo -v $pointinfo[0] $pointinfo[1] $pointinfo[2] fluid1`;
if(($voxinfo[0]>0) &&($voxinfo[1]>0)&&($voxinfo[2]>0)&&($voxinfo[0]<24) &&($voxinfo[1]<24)&&($voxinfo[2]<24) )
{setFluidAttr -at density -fv 1.0 -xi $voxinfo[0] -yi $voxinfo[1] -zi $voxinfo[2] fluid1;}}

Random cubes

How to create random cubes , this we can use in many ways for environments in minutes

proc createRandomCubes(){

string $cube[],$cubes[];

int $signalp,$signala;

float $randX,$randZ,$alpha,$point1[],$point2[];




$cube=`polyCube -w 1 -h 1 -d 1 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1 -ax 0 1 0 -cuv 4 -ch 1`;




$cubes=`ls -tr "pCube*"`;

$alpha =1;//signal to decide the new position is outside alpha map ///////

$signalp=1;//signal to decide the new position is outside everybodys boundry..////


$point1=`xform -q -t $cubes[$j]`;





float $u = `getAttr pPlane1Follicle5050.parameterU`;

float $v = `getAttr pPlane1Follicle5050.parameterV`;

float $alpha[] = `colorAtPoint -o A -u $u -v $v map01`;

if ($alpha[0]==1){





}//end $j


$cube=`polyCube -w 1 -h 1 -d 1 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1 -ax 0 1 0 -cuv 4 -ch 1`;

move -a $randX 0 $randZ $cube;




proc float distanceBetween(float $point1[],float $point2[]){


$b=`sqrt $a`;

return $b;



tank chain

How to create chain in maya for a tank

proc Cmaker(){

if ( `window -exists CMaker` ) {

deleteUI CMaker;


$win=`window -t "Chain Maker" -w 258 -h 118 CMaker `;

columnLayout c1;

rowLayout -p c1 -nc 2 -w 250 -cw2 125 125 r1;

button -w 125 -p r1 -l "Sel Curve" -c selCurve slcurv;

button -w 125 -p r1 -l "Sel Chain Hook" -c selObj slhook;

intSliderGrp -l "Copies" -min 10 -max 1000 -fmn 10 -fmx 1000 -p c1 -v 10 -field true -cw3 50 40 10 numC;

button -w 250 -h 40 -p c1 -l "Create Chain" -c DupAlign;

showWindow CMaker;


proc selCurve(){

$sel=`ls -sl`;

$shp=`listRelatives -s $sel[0]`;

if((`nodeType $shp[0]`)==("nurbsCurve")){

button -e -l $sel[0] -w 125 slcurv;


warning "Selected Object is not a curve";


proc selObj(){

$sel=`ls -sl`;


button -e -l $sel[0] -w 125 slhook;}else{warning "please something atleast for godsake !!";}


proc DupAlign(){

string $curv;

float $offset,$ncopiess,$pos[];

string $obj,$dup[],$joint;

$ncopiess=`intSliderGrp -q -v numC`;

$curv=`button -q -l slcurv`;

$obj=`button -q -l slhook`;


select -d;


$pos=`pointOnCurve -pr ($i*$offset) -p $curv`;

$joint=`joint -p $pos[0] $pos[1] $pos[2]`;

$dup=`duplicate -ilf $obj`;

move -a $pos[0] $pos[1] $pos[2] $dup[0];

parent $dup[0] $joint;


//ikHandle -sol ikSplineSolver -ccv false;



Creating a wave

Creating a wave in one clilck by making own interface


if (`window -ex waveInterface`) {deleteUI -window waveInterface;}

window -title "My First Wave" -w 450 -h 300 waveInterface;


floatSliderGrp -l "Width" -f 1 -min 5 -max 100.0 -fmn 5.0 -fmx 20.0 -v 10 waveWidth;

floatSliderGrp -l "Height" -f 1 -min 5 -max 100.0 -fmn 5.0 -fmx 20.0 -v 10 waveHeight;

floatSliderGrp -l "Frequency" -f 1 -min 0 -max 3.0 -fmn 0 -fmx 1.0 -v 1 waveFreq;

floatSliderGrp -l "Magnitude" -f 1 -min 0 -max 0.5 -fmn 0 -fmx 0.5 -v 0.05 -pre 2 -ss 0.01 waveMag;

floatSliderGrp -l "Conserve" -f 1 -min 0 -max 1 -fmn 0.9 -fmx 1.0 -v 0.95 -pre 2 -ss 0.01 waveConsv;

button -l "Create Wave !!" -w 450 -bgc 0.7 0.8 0.6 -c myWave;

showWindow waveInterface;


proc myWave(){


string $pPlane[],$softParticle[],$turb[];

float $widthW,$heightW,$freq,$mag,$conserveW;



$widthW=`floatSliderGrp -q -v waveWidth`;

$heightW=`floatSliderGrp -q -v waveHeight`;

$freq=`floatSliderGrp -q -v waveFreq`;

$mag=`floatSliderGrp -q -v waveMag`;

$conserveW=`floatSliderGrp -q -v waveConsv`;



$pPlane=`polyPlane -w 1 -h 1 -sx 10 -sy 10 -ax 0 1 0 -cuv 2 -ch 1`;

setAttr ($pPlane[1]+".width") $widthW;

setAttr ($pPlane[1]+".height") $heightW;

setAttr ($pPlane[1]+".subdivisionsWidth") 30;

setAttr ($pPlane[1]+".subdivisionsHeight") 30;

$softParticle=`soft -c `;

select -r $softParticle[0];

$turb=`turbulence -pos 0 0 0 -m $mag -att 0 -f $freq -phaseX 0 -phaseY 0 -phaseZ 0 -noiseLevel 0 -noiseRatio 0.707 -mxd -1 -vsh none -vex 0 -vof 0 0 0 -vsw 360 -tsr 0.5 `;

connectDynamic -f $turb[0] $softParticle[0];

expression -s ($turb[0]+".phaseZ=time;") -o $turb[0] -ae 1 -uc all ;

setAttr ($turb[0]+".magnitude") .05;

select -r $softParticle[0];

particle -e -c $conserveW $softParticle[0];

select -r $pPlane[0] $turb[0];

group -n "myWave";}

How to find the tringles in your mesh for modification

int $numFacee[],$vtxNum;

string $vtxInfoo[],$vtxArr[],$objF,$sel[];

$sel=`ls -sl`;

$numFacee=`polyEvaluate -f $sel[0]`;

select -cl ;



$vtxInfoo=`polyInfo -fv $objF`;

$vtxArr=stringToStringArray($vtxInfoo[0]," ");



select -tgl $objF;

